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Engineers at work

ISO9001 (Quality Management)

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Principles of quality

  1.  Customer Focus

  2.  Leadership

  3.  Engagement of People

  4.  Process Approach

  5.  Improvement

  6.  Data-led Decision Making

  7.  Relationship Management

ISO 9001 is a globally recognised standard for QUALITY MANAGEMENT, developed by the International Standards Organisation (ISO) and is the most widely used QMS standard in the world. 


It provides a framework and set of principles that enables an effective approach to organisational management, to consistently satisfy customers and other stakeholders.  


Having effective management systems is key to Operational Excellence. The ISO9001:2015 standard has 7 sections (4 to 10) based around the  Plan, Do, Check, Act improvement cycle as shown in the diagram below:

ISO9001 QMS.jpg


Planning the resources you apply to your process, including labor, materials, tools, and equipment. Ensuring you have what you need to deliver and supporting your overall objectives


Doing what you say. You put your plans into motion and follow them to provide the product or service that the client has asked for and to manage risks through to delivery.  


Checking that you are doing what you say. Documenting what happens, checking that against your client’s requirements, and recording the results.


Acting on what you find. Improving what you do. Identifying ways that you can improve your quality assurance systems and revise them as needed.

What are the Benefits of ISO9001 ?

Being Certified to ISO 9001 can bring many benefits to your organisation:

  • More consistent quality of products and services

  • Increased efficiency and profit

  • Increased customer retention

  • Reduced or minimised errors

  • Increased brand reputation

  • Access to new opportunities


How can I become certified ?

The steps to certification are outlined in our ISO overview page and are common to each ISO standard. 

How long does it take ?

This is highly dependent on the nature of your business, the level of maturity of your current Quality Management System, the complexity of your operations and the number of people, sites, and resources.  As a general rule of thumb most small to medium sized organisations can achieve certification within 4 to 9 months.


Most external certification bodies will expect the organisation to have been operating the 'live' system for a minimum of 2-3 months ahead of the certification audit, so that there is sufficient data and evidence available to assess effectiveness of the QMS.

How can INCIGHT help ?

We offer the following services to help you achieve certification:

  1. Gap Analysis

  2. Recommendations and guidance

  3. QMS planning, templates and training

  4. Full or partial implementation

  5. Internal Auditing support 

Contact us to find out how we can improve your business

Head Office

Oxford Office 



Mob:  +44 (0)7747 166448

Tel:     +44 (0)1235 550988

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